The Pathways program is offered by Talbot Hospice without charge. Our compassionate well-trained volunteers are available for companionship as well as practical, emotional, social, spiritual and bereavement support. Volunteers can provide all-important respite for caregivers so they can have time for themselves to rest and restore. Download Ebook Nhpco Hospice Volunteer Program Resource Nhpco Hospice Volunteer Program Resource Yeah, reviewing a book nhpco hospice volunteer program resource could ensue your near associates listings. This is just one of the solutions for you to be successful. As understood, talent does not recommend that you have astonishing points.
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- Download Hospice Volunteer Program Evaluation Sample
What is the Pathways Program?
Pathways is a volunteer program of supportive services for people diagnosed with a life-limiting illness. Patients who choose Pathways services are welcome to seek any kind of treatment: life-extending, palliative or curative. The program is open to people with long term chronic conditions such as Congestive Heart Failure, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Cancer and Alzheimer’s who are approaching the late stages of their illnesses. The Pathways program is offered by Talbot Hospice without charge.
Our compassionate well-trained volunteers are available for companionship as well as practical, emotional, social, spiritual and bereavement support. Volunteers can provide all-important respite for caregivers so they can have time for themselves to rest and restore. The program offers empathetic listening, individual guidance, end of life education and assistance identifying helpful community resources for both patients, caregivers and families.
Anyone can make a referral to the Pathways Program for someone they know who is coping with a life-limiting illness. The process begins with a call to the Director of Pathways at 410-822-6681, who will then contact the patient and the caregiver.
Residents of Talbot County who have been diagnosed with a life-limiting illness may benefit from Pathways if they:
- want to continue their current care plan which may include curative, palliative or life-extending treatment
- have a prognosis of a year or less, in their physician's best medical opinion
Patients may be discharged from Pathways if their condition improves and they no longer require supportive services. Services may be resumed if needed.
What is the Pathways Program?
Pathways is a volunteer program of supportive services for people diagnosed with a life-limiting illness. Patients who choose Pathways services are welcome to seek any kind of treatment: life-extending, palliative or curative. The program is open to people with long term chronic conditions such as Congestive Heart Failure, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Cancer and Alzheimer’s who are approaching the late stages of their illnesses. The Pathways program is offered by Talbot Hospice without charge.
Our compassionate well-trained volunteers are available for companionship as well as practical, emotional, social, spiritual and bereavement support. Volunteers can provide all-important respite for caregivers so they can have time for themselves to rest and restore. The program offers empathetic listening, individual guidance, end of life education and assistance identifying helpful community resources for both patients, caregivers and families.
Anyone can make a referral to the Pathways Program for someone they know who is coping with a life-limiting illness. The process begins with a call to the Director of Pathways at 410-822-6681, who will then contact the patient and the caregiver.
Residents of Talbot County who have been diagnosed with a life-limiting illness may benefit from Pathways if they:
- want to continue their current care plan which may include curative, palliative or life-extending treatment
- have a prognosis of a year or less, in their physician's best medical opinion
Download Hospice Volunteer Program Evaluation Form
Download Hospice Volunteer Program Evaluation Sample
Patients may be discharged from Pathways if their condition improves and they no longer require supportive services. Services may be resumed if needed.